Business Details

by | Mar 2, 2023 | Account management

When you add a business location to Avey Reviews, Business Details should be filled out with information unique to that location. You can find Business Details by going to Settings and clicking on it.

Business Details are used to personalize content in various areas of Avey Reviews, such as Email Requests, Landing Pages, Notifications, and Reply-to email addresses. Hooks are used to inserting custom content, such as business or customer names, into templates.

In Ultimate Mode, there are several hooks available to customize the content of the Email Request template. These hooks include the Business owner’s email, name, first name, last name, website, phone, and city.

The business owner’s email listed in Business Details is added to Notification Settings by default. If you want to add or update recipients, go to Settings and click on Notifications.

Moreover, by default, the business owner’s email is added as the Feedback Request Sender Email which is the reply-to email address for Email Requests. If you want to update the reply-to email address, go to Settings and click on Feedback Settings.

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